Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Kidney Failure
The kidneys have other important roles in maintaining the balance of electrolytes in the body, regulating the amount of acid in the blood and controlling blood pressure.
Kidney failure occurs when your kidneys filter wastes from your blood and regulate other functions of your body. It happen when harmful wastes build up in your body or your blood pressure may rise, and your body may retain excess fluid and not make enough red blood cells, then this means you need treatment for your kidney. You must need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys.
Diseases like, diabetes, inflammation of the kidneys, high blood pressure, hereditary kidney diseases, scarring of the kidney caused by back flow of urine from the bladder can effects kidneys . That person who suffers from these diseases has needed to be special care of them even every body need to be careful about or must have knowledge about kidney failure because early detection can save lives.
However kidney transplantation gives us an option to treat kidney failure with 100% success ration.But as it is very costly so better you take care in initial stage. Because precaution is better than cure.
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