Sunday, January 3, 2010
Reduce Stomach Fat for Improved Health & Beauty
Women more so than men concentrate a great deal of effort on their looks. As a woman it is a part of our make up to focus on our appearance and try to put forward our most impressive displays of beauty in any occasion or gathering. However there are a large majority of us who have problems in the area of looks that relate to excess weight. This issue affects women of all ages but does tend to increase as we age. Middle age is often a period in a woman’s life where the excess weight she is carrying becomes a real emotional issue as well as a physical or health one.
Not all of our efforts are spent on showing the image we want to others, but also so that we ourselves have a higher belief in our own self worth. Nobody can really know what another person is thinking or feeling about us but we tend to think too much ourselves which creates a personal paranoia about our own outer beauty. We often feel dissatisfied with ourselves and loose confidence especially if we were once slim and trim and have slowly over time put on those extra pounds. Many women don’t understand that due to the age process, unless you have amazing genes, our body stores the fat we have in different ways and our skin looses the ability to be as firm as it once was without a lot of effort.
One big problem area is the stomach where fat when accumulating there makes us look and feel, to ourselves at least, unattractive. Often the fat on our stomach will group under the skin on top of the muscles of the stomach however there are cases where it will group together under the muscles. When the accumulation of fat is on the outside of the muscles this is generally only a concern for physical appearance however for those that have the fat that accumulates under the muscles this can cause serious health problems.
Many of these health problems relating to fat under the stomach muscles start in older women around middle age or older and the damage they can do can be very serious for health concerns. When this is the case the fat needs to be managed in some way not purely for an appearance factor but for a continued health benefit and you should contact your doctor if you are concerned.
Any kind of stomach fat, regardless of where it is accumulating is a concern for woman for social occasions as well. When you want to wear the latest fashions such as low cut jeans or tight fitting jeans or skirts and have the fat accumulation on your stomach you feel despondent when trying to purchase the latest styles. Then if you are perhaps invited to social outings such as to the beach where you would normally be required to wear a swimsuit or bikini the fat around your stomach tends to create havoc for these kinds of social events. Making women self conscious, often to the point where they will not attend any such events.
The recommended ways to try to avoid these fats forming are to try to ensure that you are maintaining a healthy lifestyle including your diet, regular exercise and monitoring alcoholic or sugary liquid intake. Maintaining a healthy diet is beneficial not only relating to the fatty deposits but also in overall health, the same applies regarding exercise. Try to find ways that you can exercise as part of your daily routines to ensure that you are including some physical aspect in to every day. Of course if you are able to understand these factors when you are younger you can get your healthy lifestyle off to an early start. However many of us ignore the early years where our body is still “holding us together” only to find that as we get older the elastic starts to stretch!
Take a look at your lifestyle and the way you do things every day. What you eat, what you drink and how much exercise you get. If you are at all concerned about any fat deposits that appear to you to be under the muscles then you should be contacting your doctor for further investigation and request their assistance with balancing your life including such factors as diet and exercise. It is almost never too late to start but the earlier you start to take care of yourself the less problems you will have as you get older.
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